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Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I, as many have, could go on for pages about bullying, why it's bad, why we shouldn't do it, and the many subtle ways in which we do. Instead however, I will assume that my readers know bullying is bad and hurtful and realize when they are doing so and feel guilty about it. The truth is, we all have or do bully people at times or have been bullying. It is part of the fabric of our society and how we grew up. However, we can be conscious of it and stop ourselves when we discover we are bullying someone. I like to think the majority of people fall into this category.
The way in which ALL people can improve is much more subtle. The use of the words "gay" and "retard" are widespread among youth in the US. It is my impression that using "gay" as an insult has gotten more press and more social backlash, while "retard" still seems to be in full swing. I have never used "gay" as an insult in my life. However, I'll be the first to admit that I have the bad habit of using "retarded" to describe something that pisses me off. This is wrong and I know it is, but it is a bad habit that I must try to break.
If we all try to wean ourselves off these words, the world would have a lot less bullying.

Here, a Special Olympian responds to Ann Coulter's use of the word "retard" to describe President Obama. It is beautifully written and reminds us all of how we can improve ourselves.
Please give it a read.,0,1303808.story?track=rss

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