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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Our World's Greatest Threat: Global Capitalism

             Whether or not any of you reading this are interested in political science, something that pertains to us all and deserves our attention is the crisis we, as a world, are currently facing. I am no expert, and there dozens of perspectives when it comes to global relations/international relations, but I hope to present a particular view and spark thought, conversation, and even change. I want to pique the interest of anyone reading, in the hopes that it makes something think more deeply about the world and their role in it, as well as what they want for the future.

             I use the term "global relations" rather than "international relations" because I feel that the major actions in the world are not nations. Nations are definitely important and large, powerful, actors, but I feel global capitalism is a much more powerful force that shapes interactions across the globe. Capitalism has become ever more pervasive and present in all parts of the world. I have to admit, after being exposed to three of the many dominant views in IR (international relations), I find myself arguing from the radical leftist, or Marxist perspective.

           This means that I believe that the capitalist system is the ultimate root and source of many problems that face the lower and middle classes in countries all across the world. I believe in equality in opportunity, as opposed to equality of outcome, which is what most people probably think of when they think of communism and or socialism and the radical left. I do not think that people who are successful should be penalized by having to distribute their wealth to the less fortunate. I do, however, think that we should all have the equal opportunity and access to a valuable primary, secondary and higher education, regardless of the price of homes in our neighborhood, parental income, etc. I believe we should all be able to pay for college, pursue the degree that best fits us, and do our best to reach our various outcomes.

           I believe that people of the lower classes in Guatemala for example, now have more in common with the lower classes of Mozambique and other countries than they do with the upper classes of their own country. Latin America is classified as a region of "third-world countries." I think this depends on your perspective. Many people in the US believe it is their job to "bring development" to the poor, backwards people to the south. This is ridiculous. I do not believe integrating the rural people of the Andes into the capitalist system will help them. I do not believe in integrating more people into the system and making it more accessible, because the system itself is deeply flawed and adding people to it only makes it stronger.

          Why is capitalism flawed? Because it is economically, socially, and ecologically unsustainable. Capitalism can never create equality. It depends on poor working conditions, wages, and cheap resources in order to make the biggest profit possible. I do not need to tell any of you that this affliction exists in abundance in Latin America. The people at the bottom tier all over the world are becoming increasingly fed up with the lack of social movement, decent living conditions, and it can only get so bad before the system implodes upon itself.

         Why are conditions so poor in Latin America? Why can't peasants stay peasants and live the lives of their grandparents? Capitalism has taken their land, their means of production, driven them to the cities, where they rot and starve. Some of you may say, but nothing is worse than being a peasant. In the cities, and with capitalism, these people have more opportunities they have ever had before.

          I argue that this is gravely wrong. The people of the Americas had been surviving, flourishing even, for at least 10,000 years before capitalism ever set foot on their shores. The grand cultures of the Americas did not need Europeans to come and tell them who the true gods were, how to grow food, how to build, how to speak, how to live. Ever since Europeans laid eyes on the "New World", they have been raping, pillaging, and exploiting it, which brings me to my next point.

        The other main reason capitalism is unsustainable, besides that the economic system of ever acquiring more money is impossible and that the people will not be suppressed indefinitely: the ecology of the world. The earth's natural resources are by no means infinite. On the contrary, they are quite limited and that max is fast approaching. We as a people have two choices: wait and do nothing, until some cataclysmic event occurs and changes everything, or we attempt to change things ourselves. I urge you all to support the latter.

       Thank you.


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